Vis Insita
Musical performance
controlled by motion capture
"The internal force of matter (vis insita) is the power of resistance, by which each body perseveres, as much as it is within itself, in its present state of rest or uniform movement in a straight line. »
Isaac Newton, Mathematical principles of natural philosophy, 1726.
A strange light pendulum suspended in the centre of the stage is tracked by a motion capture device, itself linked to different sound parameters as well as the lighting software. The object then interacts with music and light.
The Vis Insita performance explores ways to stage and interpret electronic music in a visual and poetic way through the development of new instrumental interfaces based on a creative capture of gesture and movement.
Sometimes encounter when the pendulum is manipulated, or confrontation when it becomes autonomous, the transfer of the musical gesture to the object gradually reveals a contemporary dilemma on stage: to be one with the machine or to face it.
In a performance that is both plastic and musical, Vis Insita offers the viewer the path of reverie and contemplation in an attempt to deal with the contradictory reactions that technology sometimes provokes in us.
- Conception, music, performance, interaction design: Nicolas Bazoge
- Lighting: Nicolas Bazoge
- IT development: Florian Nouviale
- Audio and Video recording : Marin Esnault
- Video editing : Nicolas Bazoge
Created with the support of the Master of Digital Creation and the Laboratory of Arts et Pratiques poétiques of the University of Rennes 2, the INRIA/IRISA laboratories, the Immersia platform of the University of Rennes 1, and ART.
Special thanks to Ronan Gaugne and Marin Esnault.
- 4>7/04/2018: Semaine des Arts - Pôle Numérique Rennes Villejean - Rennes (France)
- 20/10/2018: Journée Science et Musique - Le Diapason - Rennes