Vis Insita
Musical, visual and kinetic performance
controlled by motion capture
The age of digital fire
Vis Insita is a hybrid performance, between live music, digital art and plastic installation, in which Nicolas Bazoge weaves an artistic parallel between the development of digital technologies and the desire of prehistoric man to master fire some 300 000 years ago.
Using a state-of-the-art motion capture system - a technology usually used in cinema and still almost never encountered in live performance - he explores the visual and sound possibilities of a mysterious luminous sphere suspended at the center of the stage.
Through this physical and bodily encounter giving birth to a semi-improvised visual and musical composition, the performance proposes both a new form of interpretation of live electronic music and invites a look at technologies for what they are: a possible imaginary.
The age of digital fire
The mastery of fire is certainly the primitive technology that has most profoundly modified our way of life and our evolution, not only from a physiological and societal point of view, but also from a cultural one. Its domestication is certainly at the origin of the emergence of the first myths of our history and allowed prehistoric man to venture further and further into the bowels of the Earth and to adorn them with pictorial works whose meanings remain unknown to this day.
The scenography of Vis Insita is inspired by the cave of Menez Dregan discovered in 1985 in the South Finistère, in Brittany, France, in which was found one of the oldest known traces of fire maintained by Man**.
With the help of a mysterious luminous sphere evoking a flaming torch, Nicolas Bazoge draws a parallel between this mastery of fire by archaic man and what we now call, 450,000 years later, digital technologies. Faced with the immense challenges of the modern world and equipped with these tools that are as fascinating as they are terrifying, the performance is part of the prehistory of a profound metamorphosis of humanity that seems to be taking shape and that we can, for the moment, only try to imagine.
What poetic imaginations can be instilled with digital tools? What luminous traces to leave in the darkness of our contemporary uncertainties? What sensitive gestures to print on the rough walls of our humanity?
Beyond the conception of an innovative technological device, Vis Insita constitutes above all the expression of an ancestral and visceral instinct of interaction with the others, an interior force which pushes a Sapiens among his fellow men to explore, in this quasi platonic cave, the depths of a world become possible.
* Optical motion capture consists of capturing and digitizing real-time motion using synchronized infrared cameras.
Conception, musical creation, interpretation: Nicolas Bazoge
Lighting: Nicolas Bazoge
Interaction design: Marin Esnault, Nicolas Bazoge
Programming: Marin Esnault
Set design: Vivien Simon, Nicolas Bazoge
Set design construction: Eric Raoul
Costume : Sophie Hoarau
Winner of the Rennes Métropole Créativité Croisée 2019 call for projects.
Created with the support of the Cultural Department of the University of Rennes 2, the General Directorate of Culture of the City of Lorient, the Estran - Stage for jazz and improvised music of Guidel, the City of Locmiquelic, INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) and the Immersia virtual reality platform of the University of Rennes 1, the Digital Creation Master of the University of Rennes 2, and in partnership with the motion capture company ART GmbH.
Premiere on February 21, 2020 at l'Estran in Guidel (France)
The performance was presented on October 7, 2019 at Le Tambour in Rennes (France) as part of the digital arts and music Maintenant festival.
- February 21, 2020 - L'ESTRAN Guidel (France)
- September 30, 2021 - Athéna in Auray (France) as part of the Méliscènes Festival
To go further...
> Scientific publication for the NIME 2019 conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), Porto Alegre, Brazil (in english)
> Interview with Nicolas Bazoge on the website of the University of Rennes 2 (in french)
> Interview with Nicolas Bazoge on C-Lab (french radio)