EGZOA is an association created in March 2019 by the artist Nicolas Bazoge in order to allow the creation, the promotion and the diffusion of his professional artistic projects (shows, performances, installations) created within the framework of his global project Nola's key.
In a general way and on the long term, the association has for object to :
Contribute to the knowledge and appropriation of digital tools by an artistic and poetic use placing the human being in the center of the technological stakes.
Promote transdisciplinarity in the performing arts as well as the porosity between art, science and technology.
Promote, through its actions, research and artistic experimentation around interaction and interactivity, as well as the relationship between the artist and the public.
Organize actions of mediation and sensitization to the emergent forms of contemporary artistic creation by multiple means and adapted to the various publics.
SIRET : 851 051 953 00012
APE : 9001Z
RNA : W561011335
Show business license : 2-1123173
Head office : 12 rue Jean-Baptiste Colbert - BP62 - 56100 LORIENT
Represented by : Alice QUAGLIO, as President
Contact : egzoa.creations[at]