CobalTouch is a pre-mapping interface that allows you to
quickly control the faders and main sequence of the Cobalt lighting software using the X-Touch Mini controller.

1. CobalTouch
2. X-Touch Mini
​1. Setting up the X-Touch Mini
2.1. Downloading and launching
2.2. Overview of the interface
2.3. General information
2.5. Faders view
2.6. Transport keys
1. Versions
2. Contact

Midi Fighter Twister - DJ Tech Tools

Main window of TwisterEos
1 - CobalTouch
CobalTouch is an interface initially designed for my personal use and that I make available here.
It is intended for stage managers and lighting designers working with ETC's Cobalt software in nomadic mode and wishing to have a control surface to the faders and transport keys of the sequence.
It offers a pre-assignment of the X-Touch Mini buttons optimized for Cobalt and its visualization via a graphic interface.
It was made in Max and runs under Windows.
The application communicates in MIDI with the X-Touch and sends the information in OSC and MIDI to Cobalt.
The application is not bi-directional, it receives no information from Cobalt. The display of the fader levels via the LED segments of the X-Touch is therefore not synchronized.
The interface allows you to:
Control 2 pages of 8 faders (faders 1 to 8 and 11 to 18), with for each fader the level, the Flash button and the Select buttonz.
Reset all the faders of a page with a button.
Control the transport of the main sequence (Seq+, Seq-, Go, Go back, Pause).
Manage the Grand Master level.
Once the application is opened, it runs in the background.
2 - X-Touch Mini
The X-Touch Mini is a MIDI control surface designed by Behringer. It consists of 8 rotary knobs with push and LED ring, 16 push buttons and a linear knob.
These controls are replicated in two layers A and B (except the linear potentiometer), offering access to up to 49 different MIDI parameters all configurable via X-Touch Editor, the dedicated editor.
3 - Why this controler ?
- To replace the Korg NanoKontrol (too fragile and inaccurate, although it helped a lot of people!)
- Because I never found a cheap control surface with motorized linear potentiometers quiet enough to be used during a piece of theater in the middle of the audience.
My choice was the X-Touch mainly for the following reasons:
Quite compact (it's a bit like the NanoKontrol).
Endless rotary potentiometers with LED segments allowing to know their setting in each layer A and B.
Fully customizable via PC editor.
Disadvantages :
A little too thick to be easily transportable.
Rotating buttons unnecessarily high.
Push of the rotary buttons a bit stiff.
Push buttons a bit stiff and not very precise.
Big disappointment concerning the possibility to set the LED segments for the feedback. There are certainly some possibilities but they are very limited (or I didn't understand everything, especially since the documentation is very short).
1 - Setting up the X-Touch Mini
First of all, the controller must be configured internally using the X-Touch Editor, the dedicated editor provided by Behringer:
You will need the two layer configuration files A and B specific to the use with CobalTouch:
"X-Touch_Mini_Cobalt_A" and "X-Touch_Mini_Cobalt_B" (Google Drive link) :
Once these files are downloaded, connect the X-Touch Mini to your computer via USB and
- Launch X-Touch Editor (it does not install).
- Go to the Global tab /"Presets on computer"/Load at the top left and select the configuration file
"X-Touch_Mini_Cobalt_A.bin" previously downloaded.
- Click on the "Dump A" button on the right of the editor to transfer the configuration to the controller.
- Repeat the operation to load layer B (Load --> "X-Touch_Mini_Cobalt_B.bin"--> "Dump B").

X-Touch Editor interface
2 - Using CobalTouch
2.1 - Downloading and launching
You can download CobalTouch via the Google Drive link below :
Once the file is unzipped, open the main directory. Inside is a directory named "resources" and the files "CobalTouch_1.0.exe" and "CobalTouch_1.0.mxf".
These files must always stay together in the same directory and the "resources" directory must not be deleted, modified or renamed, otherwise the application will not work.
The whole thing is a bit heavy for such a "small" application (about 350Mb), but that's because it runs through Max Runtime which is a "player" version of Max, part of the compilation.
CobalTouch does not install, it is an executable, you just have to click on the file "CobalTouch.exe" to launch it.
2.2 - Overview of the interface

[1]- Network configuration
[2] - Control of faders 1 to 8
[3] - Control of faders 11 to 18
[4] - Reset all faders of the current page
[5] - Transport keys of the main sequence
[6] - Grand Master
2.3 - General information
Except for the network settings (see below) there is nothing to configure in CobalTouch, everything is pre-mapped.
2.4 - Network configuration
The IP address to fill in is the one of the network card of the system on which Eos is running.
The localhost address "" must work. It is therefore configured by default.
The OSC transmission port must correspond to the one of Cobalt in the General Settings/Setup/MIDI Show Control panel in Coblat. The default port is 8000.
2.5 - Presets
​Since CobalTouch also sends MIDI data to Cobalt, you will need to set up a virtual MIDI port on your computer, and enter it in both CobalTouch and Cobalt (in General Settings/Setup/MIDI/Setup MIDI).
To create a virtual MIDI port on your computer, you can download and install Tobias Erichsen's excellent loopMIDI, which is simple, lightweight, stable and free.

2.5 - Faders view​

Each layer of faders is controlled by A or B button on the right side of the X-Touch Mini.
The push button on the rotary potentiometer corresponds to the SELECT button on Cobalt.
The button just below each rotary corresponds to the FLASH button.
NB: there is no synchronization of the controller LEDs with the fader level. For this reason it is not recommended to manipulate the faders both with the X-Touch and via the graphic interface of Cobalt.

The first button at the bottom left of the controller allows you to lower all the faders of the layer you are on.
2.6 - Transport keys​

Not much more to say here except that all the transport buttons are common to both layers A and B.
The two buttons where nothing is noted are not used in CobalTouch.
1. Versions
This application is no longer updated
CobaltTouch 1.0 (current) - 05/03/2021
​2. Contact
3.2 Contact
For any questions/suggestions/requests, feel free to contact me at nicolasbazoge.1[at]